Family Touch is a non-profit organization located in Leonia, NJ. Founded in 2001, Family Touch has been dedicated to providing a range of high-quality services to children, young adults, couples and seniors experiencing relationship issues to live and work successfully within their community but most importantly, within their family. To date, Family Touch has provided services to over 28,000 community members.
2017 Family Touch 16th Benefit dinner was covered by viv PR.
Family Touch
is a non-profit organization located in Leonia, New Jersey.
Founded 2001, Family Touch has been dedicated to providing a range of high-quality services to
children, young adults, couples and seniors experiencing relationship issues to live and work
successfully within their community but most importantly, whitin their family.
To date, Family Touch has provided services to over 20,000 members.
Mission : Our Mission is to strengthen families and communities through
professional leadership, academic and life skills development.
Vision : Our Vision is to build happy families and create healthy community.
Family Touch strives to accomplish its mission by:
Connecting organizations for greater impact on communities
Healing people through coounseling and crisis intervention
Rebuilding communities from the inside out
Intervening in conflicts and finding fuctioning units
Teaching to empower people with knowledge and skills